In my work as a psychotherapist, I have the profound privilege of meeting some of the bravest individuals. These are people who summon the courage to recognize the areas of their lives they wish to address—an act of remarkable strength in itself. After all, isn’t it true that there isn’t a single human being without their own “sticky” areas of personal work to face?
I encounter souls who are determined to evolve, to move beyond the places where they feel stuck. And truly, who among us isn’t stuck in some part of our lives? But these individuals—these resilient souls—choose to do the work. It is precisely their resilience that compels them to lean into growth, even when it’s uncomfortable.
Yet, so often, we sit behind our carefully constructed masks—our professional masks, social masks, role masks—and think, “Therapy is for someone else, not me.” The truth is, as long as we are waking up each morning, alive and breathing, we all have unfinished tasks of self-work. Life, in its wisdom, whispers to us in countless ways, nudging us toward this work.
The real question we must ask ourselves is this: Are we awake enough, alive enough, and responsible enough to notice those nudges? Or do we hide behind our masks, content to “sit pretty”?
But here’s the thing about sitting pretty—it’s never permanent. Life has its ways of shaking us from our seats, forcing us to take notice. The choice before us is clear: Will we wait for the big shake-up, or will we pay attention to the small tremors?
Psychotherapy is not about weakness; it’s about growth. It’s about self-awareness. It’s about evolving into the best version of ourselves. Choosing to do this work is an act of bravery, resilience, and ultimately, profound self-respect.
So, I leave you with this question: Are you ready to take notice? Are you ready to evolve?